About Pastor Quinn A. Evans
Quinn Evans was born June 17, 1945, in Cave Spring, GA, a small town in northwest Georgia.
For five years Quinn sat under the preaching/teaching of Pastor Talmadge Chandler of Davis Chapel Baptist Church. Brother Talmadge was a Bible scholar who consistently taught his congregation the Word of God, always stressing to them the importance of sound doctrine.
In 1970, while attending Davis Chapel Baptist Church, Quinn answered God’s call to preach the Gospel. He was twenty-five years old. He often told of how he would sometimes find himself preaching to his 13 year-old boy’s Sunday School Class. He and the young boys knew that God was anointing Quinn to preach the gospel.
Quinn preached his first official sermon from the pulpit of Davis Chapel. He enjoyed telling of the event with self-deprecating humor, explaining that the sermon and the very long invitation together lasted only fifteen minutes. However, the people present in the service knew that the call to preach was real on his life. The church showed confidence in his call and licensed him as a preacher on August 20, 1970. Shortly after answering the call to preach, the Lord placed on the hearts of Quinn and Martha a burden for their friends and family back in their hometown of Cave Spring.
Quinn had a great sense of humor which is something that people loved about him. In recounting the move he would say, “When the Lord spoke, I packed up my family, my furniture, and my five coon dogs and moved.” It wasn’t long before a little country church on the Black’s Bluff Rd in Rome, Georgia, asked Quinn to come and fill in for them while they searched for a new Pastor. After filling in for almost a year, the congregation of Community Chapel Baptist Church decided that Quinn was the Pastor that the Lord wanted for their church. Quinn Evans was ordained to the Gospel Ministry on February 20, 1972, at Community Chapel Baptist Church with Rev. Talmadge Chandler preaching the ordination service. Quinn was twenty-seven years old. The five years spent at Community Chapel were exciting times. It seemed that every service people were getting saved. Because the church had no Baptistery, the congregation would often meet on the banks of Silver Creek after Sunday Morning Worship for a baptismal service. Quinn jokingly would tell people that “every time he cranked his little blue Volkswagen Beetle, it would automatically head towards Silver Creek”. Quinn was so thankful that the Lord had led him back to Cave Spring and had given him the privilege of pastoring the sweet folks on the “Bluff” road for it was during that time that his brother and father were saved. As a matter of record, while Quinn stood in the pulpit one Sunday night during the evening worship service his father gave a testimony of God’s goodness and thanked Him for his salvation. Minutes later as the congregation was singing “Amazing Grace” Mr. Evans leaned over in the pew and went home to be with the Lord.
At first Quinn was a bi-vocational pastor, working full time as a construction pipefitter while pastoring the church. Often times while working on construction sites, Quinn would take the opportunity during the lunch breaks to preach the Gospel to the workers who were eager to hear the messages. Many men came to know Jesus as their personal Savior during that time. After two years of bi-vocational ministry, Quinn took a step of faith, quit his job, and went full time into the Gospel Ministry. He felt that he needed more time to study God’s Word. And as the Lord promised, He was always faithful to meet the needs of His preacher boy. “For whom the Lord calls, He equips and sustains.”
Pastor Quinn enrolled in Bible College at West Georgia Bible Institute. Over the course of his formal training, Quinn earned an Associate’s Degree in Bible from Gadsden State Community College, a Bachelor’s Degree in Ministry from Luther Rice Seminary, A Master’s Degree in Theology from Luther Rice Seminary, and a Doctorate degree in Biblical Theology from International Bible College and Seminary. Like so many Pastors, Bro Quinn got his education by burning the midnight oil. Simultaneously he was a pastor, husband, father, and student. The Lord strengthened him and blessed him because of his commitment to all of his responsibilities. Because of what he had personally gained from his Biblical training, Quinn always encouraged other young men who announced their call to preach to get an education, telling them that “schooling didn’t make you a preacher but it helped you to be a better preacher.” (Emphasis placed on the word better.)
At every church that he pastored the goal was always to “evangelize the sinners, edify the saints, and exalt the Savior”. In his ministry, great importance was placed on missions. He often marveled at how his life had been eternally changed because some dear saint had invested twelve dollars in his life by paying his way to Youth Camp. He would say, “When I get to heaven, I am going to find out who paid my way to camp and thank them for what they did for me.” Not only did Pastor Quinn preach about missions at home, but he preached many times in the foreign mission fields of India, Nicaragua, Honduras, Costa Rica and Israel. One of the highlights of his life was when he preached in the First Baptist Church of Bethlehem, Israel, pastored by Rev. Naim Khoury. He was also privileged for over twenty years, to share in the work of Missionary Justus Banuel of India by preaching in revival campaigns and by helping build churches, orphanages, and schools. Quinn firmly believed in God’s command of Matthew 28:18-20 “And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Amen.
The Lord greatly blessed the ministry of this Under Shepherd. The focus of Quinn’s preaching was always based on Jesus’ promise, of John 12:32 “And I, if I be lifted up from the Earth will draw all men unto me”. As a result of his preaching, many souls were saved. People got excited about serving Jesus and about becoming faithful disciples in the work of the ministry. Brother Quinn had a unique ability of making everyone feel loved and accepted. He often said, “To build a good church you need to love Jesus and to love people,” which he genuinely did. People responded to him because he cared for them, not just their salvation and their maturity in the faith, but for their family, their health and happiness, for the totality of their wellbeing. He emphasized to people that he was just a common man, and they should never put him on a pedestal. He would say, “Look to God, don’t look to me. I may let you down, but God will never let you down.” Quinn’s life was an example of how God takes ordinary people and does extraordinary things. So many times, Quinn would dismiss the church service by saying, “By this all men will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.” John 13:35.
On June 10, 2010, Pastor Quinn had a stroke that left him paralyzed on the left side of his body. He could no longer walk or even use his left arm and hand. However, he was grateful to the Lord that the stroke had not affected his speech. He felt that the Lord was not finished with him but instead was leading him to start a new church. On May 15, 2011, Pastor Quinn Evans along with some dedicated saints of God founded Hiram First Baptist Church. It was evident that God’s hand was on this endeavor. Within a week after announcing the start of the new church, the Lord supplied them with a place for services and a trained musical staff to lead in worship, as well as the many people who were gifted in teaching and serving. Hiram First Baptist Church in Hiram, GA, flourished and continues to be a soul-winning station, faithfully proclaiming the Word of the Lord.
On May 13, 2014, the Lord called Quinn Evans home to heaven to be with Him. Quinn is now enjoying all the things that the Lord promised Him. John 14:1-4 “Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me. In My Father’s house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also. And where I go you know, and the way you know.”
Quinn never wavered in his confidence in the Lord Jesus Christ to accomplish what He promised to everyone who has trusted in Him as Lord and Savior. Early in his ministry instead of having his name printed on his Bible, he chose the words, “Kept by the Power of God”, taken from the scripture of I Peter 1:3-5 “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who according to His abundant mercy has begotten us again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, to an inheritance incorruptible and undefiled and that does not fade away, reserved in heaven for you, who are kept by the power of God through faith for salvation ready to be revealed in the last time.”
Pastor Quinn faithfully preached the gospel for forty-four years - 1970-2014
During those forty-two years of ministry, Pastor Quinn served the following churches:
Pastor, Community Chapel Baptist Church, Rome, GA (1971-1976),
Pastor, North Glencoe Baptist Church, Glencoe, AL (1976-1990),
Associate Pastor, Eastwood Baptist Church, Marietta, GA, (1990)
Interim Pastor, Calvary Baptist Church, Smyrna, GA, (1991)
Pastor, Morning View Baptist Church, Smyrna, GA (1991-1992)
Pastor, Pleasant Grove Baptist Church, Hiram, GA (1992-2011)
Pastor and Pastor Emeritus, Hiram First Baptist Church, Hiram, GA (2011-2014)
*All scripture references are from the NKJV.
He grew up in a rural community with a family of modest means. In 1957 when Quinn was twelve years old, the Pastor at Cave Spring First Baptist Church invited him to go to the church youth camp that was being held on the campus of Shorter College in Rome, GA. The cost of the camp was $12. As Quinn often said, “It might as well have been a million dollars, because my family did not have the money to send me.” However, some Saint of God who truly believed in missions anonymously paid his way to camp. On August 17, 1957, during the devotion in that Rock Garden at Shorter College, Quinn felt the conviction of the Holy Spirit and accepted Jesus Christ as his personal Lord and Savior.
Quinn graduated from high school in May, 1963. Immediately after graduation, he left Cave Spring for the big city of Atlanta to begin his career as a construction pipefitter. Quinn served a five-year apprenticeship with Joint Apprentice Training & Trust, JATT, the apprenticeship school of Plumbers and Pipefitters Local Union 72, Atlanta, GA. He graduated as a Journeyman Pipefitter in 1968.
On October 31, 1964, Quinn married his high school sweetheart, Martha Payne. They made their home in Mableton, GA, and attended Davis Chapel Baptist Church. While in Mableton the Lord blessed them with two sons, David – born in 1967 and Jonathan – born in 1968. Later while living in Glencoe, AL, the Lord gave them their daughter, Charity Elisabeth – born in 1977.